7. README sections for website projects
Date: 2024-03-18
Website projects have a common set of details and tasks that all
developers who work on the project need to know about.
Website projects must include a README.md in the root directory with
the following information
- URL where the site can be accessed
- CMS flavor (e.g. Drupal & which major version, if Wordpress indicate
Bedrock/Radicle etc.)
- Hosting platform with dashboard link, or at minimum project name
- CI information with link to dashboard/logs
- Local development instructions
- how to install locally
- how to get remote database/files
- Deployment instructions
- Description of any other project customizations including custom
theme/module/plugin locations
- Sites with How Tos/Instructions Google Docs for clients should
include the link to the document
Developers will be able to get projects up and running with minimal
assistance. READMEs will need to be maintained.